Johnson has more than Ukraine blood on his hands. Add on the deaths from Covid lockdowns in the UK while he and his WEF cronies partied.

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Johnson partied when the common folk were forbidden. But, then, he got very ill from COVID.

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Did he really? or did he have the flu? or maybe just faked it for the sake of his WEF masters. Don't forget his heritage - Eton, a private school attended by the children of the elites, and his father, Stanley, is the author of a book about a contagious virus.

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Apparently some of these elite schools have very dark sides.


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It seems much more likely he had the flu than he was faking it. Obese people are more likely to suffer from all manner of real illnesses.

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This war wouldn't have happened if the 2020 election hadn't been rigged.

Some dispute who won the 2020 election, but we know for sure that America lost. Ukraine also lost.

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Wholeheartedly agree with An Ominous.

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Thank-You for your statement. Was wondering when somebody pointed-out all the benefits for ENEMIES AGAINST THE CONSTITUTION WITH ITS INALIENABLE RIGHTS. No doubt about those enemies to now be Criminals Against All Life on the Planet.

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All these western leaders, including Johnson, are puppets of the NWO. They’ve just gotten to the point where they can’t keep track of their lies…

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Very well said. You know what this story is about. Others are still lost, blaming one side or the other and have not realized that the two sides are the same. This is not our civilization, it is THEIR civilization.

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Boris Johnson is a standard, post-Empire buffoon with typical delusions of grandeur. He is a sinister clown 🤡, a cypher for The New World Order, a pathetic coat carrier for the Amerikan Caesars. He should be shot for treason and warmongering, and thrown on a dungheap. Scum. Restat en pace, 300,000 (?!) wasted lives...

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So , then what would you propose for the Aussie tyrants who engaged in mass shooting campaigns against their own imperial subjects ? You still pay taxes to these Sassanach ,no ? Or does Australia have its own currency independent of the bank of england ??? We don't disagree on the nwo ...

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Rebellion. Year Zero. The Rack. Us vs👁 . You?

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Boris Clownston in short.

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This unpresentable person said what the president of Chile said, that with 5G they were going to control us all. It has already started, the majority of the world's population already has the interface implemented.

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Terribly sad how recklessly a powerful man will spend the average man's life. 😔

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They, the globalists, do not want peace in Ukraine because the defeat and total annihilation of Russia is their ultimate goal. They don't care about the people or country of Ukraine, they are merely a tool for the globalists. Let them die for the west's agenda. Then old Schumer threatens Congress with our men and women will die in Ukraine fighting the Russians if we don't pass this bill. Their bill is to keep Trump from ending the war. It ties his hands. The Senate has passed it and now it's up to the house. However, if the Rhinos vote with the dems, as 22 of them in the Senate did, then Trump or any other President, won't be able to end this war. They are willing to kill all useless eaters necessary to defeat Putin. We have a bunch of demons running our government. It's the same party on both sides of the aisle.

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Yes, the globalists financed the Japanese in the Russo-Japanese War in 1905 as well as supporting every revolutionary group in Russia to topple the Czar. Globalists refused to back the Triple Entente in 1914 because they refused to fight on the same side as Russia (stance instantly reversed the instant the Bolsheviks took power, of course). Having publicly declared war on Germany in 1933, the globalists used every bit of their (considerable) leverage on the Democratic Party/FDR to drag the US into the War in Europe against the will (and against the interests) of 85-90% of the American People. Ditto the Middle East in general. Ditto Serbia, where the US military bombed the Christian Serbs and not the breakaway Mohammedans in Kosovo. BTW, if that was our policy then, why aren't we fighting Ukraine now to allow the Russians in the Donbas to break away? Ooops, it's those darned globalists again -- trying to destroy Russia and the entire Russian People.

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You are right on all accounts. The reason we got into WWII though the people didn't want it was because our gov. waited on Japan's attack knowing it was coming but this was how they knew the people would then want to get into the war. These globalists must not be human! I don't know of any human who doesn't mind making millions of people die for their private agendas. When I think this, I recall what scripture says in Eph. 6:12 "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." When you realize God was not speaking in metaphors, we can see why the globalist don't blink at making millions of people die or suffer.

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Thank you. There are some bad people who wouldn't mind making millions die for their private agendas, but the globalists are those whose private agenda is to kill millions of people.

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THAT'S why I believe they are demons and not human. Demons want all humans dead. So do the globalists...with the exception of their slaves, they want most of the world dead/depopulation.

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1 party, 2 names.


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Two major political parties in the US, the Uniparty and then there’s MAGA.

I’m willing to read and discuss these sorts of issues, but I would prefer that they be done in a separate Substack. These types of issues are not why I subscribed to Dr. McCullough’s Substack.

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Unfortunately their impossible to separate when the politicians are commiting the crimes and causing the crisis. They go hand in hand.

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History repeats itself. Germany and Russia. 2nd world war. They created a good one and a bad one. Both sides were funded by them to confront them. They care very little about humans, in fact you are exterminating them without the need for a world war. Although it is prepared in case the chicken coop realizes what this story is about, as they did in the past.

They are playing with us, making you believe in the game of war. You realize this farce simply by looking at a microscope. And you will wonder how that is possible. Many people are waking up.

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I'm counting on Speaker Mike Johnson to keep his word and not even bring the bill to the House floor for a vote.

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There are current efforts to get enough RINOs in the House to put Jeffries in charge of this vote. Sorry, I forget the technical House rule that allows them to do this but can be applied when the Speaker refuses to bring a bill up for a vote.

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Now I remember. It is called a “Discharge Petition”

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I was not aware of that Allie. Thanks for the update.

Jeffries is just another malleable Dem front man "of color" for Schumer and the rest of the Deep State.

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Just another way to bend the law to meet the agenda!

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Bobby Kennedy Jr. spoke of this several months ago! It's been confirmed by many sources.

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Who or What is Boris Johnson? He's literally a whore. Any critially-thinking person who read "The Road To Serfdom" years ago, understands that any person "at the top" is a complete fascist piece of crap. Ann Barnhardt has it right:

" What politicians do you support?

None. They are all psychopaths and whores. ALL OF THEM. The culture has degraded such that seeking and/or holding office, especially national-level office, is, in and of itself, proof that a given person is psychologically and morally unfit to hold public office."

These people are not worthy of being discussed or written about - they are parasites - don't allow them to take up any of your time.


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I think you forgot deviant pedophiles?

Ignore them all. Politicians are tools who use the tool of politics. United we stand, didvided we fall.

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And, reading the following account, I learn that there are institutions cultivating these deviants. https://vo.lc/School-Of-Fools-Aldenham.html

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The Dean must be lucifer himself

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It was obvious before the war started that the US and Britain wanted war so badly.

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Warongering whores. I remember when Hamas "attacked" Istael, first thing out of haleys mouth was, "attack on us ." Could see her drooling.

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The delusional nature of the British establishment is dismaying. They talk about invading Russia and breaking it up into smaller states. The reality of course is that we could not have taken on the armed might of the Soviet Union in 1947, when it was under one of the world’s nastiest dictators, and we certainly cannot now when our battle fit armed forces couldn’t fill half a football stadium and we can’t get one of our two aircraft carriers out of port. Meanwhile, they latch onto bad man Putin like they latch on to bad man Trump, though those two men certainly don’t have less integrity than themselves. Though I am generally a great supporter of cash it perhaps tells you something that Johnson paid for his West Country stately home in bank notes.

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The Brit’s have an unnatural hatred of all things Russia. The King and Queen failed to stop the slaughter of their cousins, the Tsar, the Brit’s exported the commies to Russia for the revolution. It may go back to the fact the Russians helped the revolutionaries in fledgling America and also helped the north during the civil war. The Brit’s were instrumental in fomenting the Civil War to try to get back their colony. And they CONTINUE to this day, trying to get back their colony and expending Americas military because they no longer have one.

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Thank you John--this is such an important and little-known story that needs to be told far and wide! And since you speak German, check out this 50 minute presentation by Swiss historian Daniele Ganser, where he gives meticulous documentation on how the April 2022 peace deal of Istanbul was sabotaged by Western powers: "Der verratene Frieden von Istanbul" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76EZUKGBkPA

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You can turn on machine translated captions by clicking the closed caption icon to activate captions in Swiss German, then clicking autotranslate and selecting English or other available languages.

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Maintaining this war with Putin is nothing more than an attempt for western leaders to draw attention away from their incompetence. One simply has to look at the events of the last 30+ years to understand all that led us to this point. What ever you may think of Putin he is not a stupid man. I would love to see him on a debate stage with Biden. A skit worthy of SNL.

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Bojo was sent by the US. Most of the EU, except Hungary, are vassal states of the US.

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Yep. I remember reading about it. The offer was made, US intelligence/military/state dept called Boris, he flew to Ukraine, the war continued. It would be interesting to see if anyone actually saw him carrying the suitcase of cash… Lol

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Prob in different currencies during the night😉

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There is no doubt Boris scuppered the chance of peace. He should be held to account for the deaths that occurred after he stuck his oar into the peace negotiations. He should also be charged for the COVID debacle that cost so many people their lives. Having said that, there is a case for many in parliament for their complicity in the highly flawed measures put in place and their longevity. No debating involved, nobody challenging the narrative until Andrew Bridgen brought up the matter of excess deaths. And the MPs ongoing reaction to this legitimate concern has been disgusting. Bar a few MPs, it has been an infantile case of putting their hands over their ears and singing la la, we can't hear you. How many are bought and paid for by big pharma?

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All of them, save a few.

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