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It's "we the people" who failed! Not the system itself. WE failed to hold our elected officials accountable, and to require them to complete their Constitutional duties, instead allowing them to pass those off to unelected and unvetted and unmonitored bureaucrats! we failed to educate ourselves about issues and bills presented, and to hold Congress to limited sessions in which to conduct the gov't business. All these laws are the result of allowing them to remain perpetually "in session", instead of making them go back to their "real jobs" most of the yrs, as they did at the outset. They feel they can justify that, and the insane salaries, by "looking busy", but all that has done is result in thousands of unnecessary and unhealthy laws from people who have no clue what their constituents actually think or need! Meanwhile, WE are too absorbed in our "pleasures" to DO our jobs as citizens!

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How do you propose that we do the right thing? Specifically....

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Truth be told, it's too late for the US, and world system, as an whole, now. The time for Yhwh God's judgment is too near to correct themes that has been decades even centuries, in the making. The best, wisest, thing any can do now is get right with Yhwh God and His Son, Yeshua. We would need to re-educate at least 2 generations and part of a 3rd, on history, civics, the Constitution; clean out the Congress, a 12-18 yr process alone; shut down all the unconstitutional bureacracies, and trim the fat out of those that are Constitutional; revamp our education from K through graduate school, and require teachers/ professors to take oaths to no longer bring their politics and sexuality into classes, with the knowledge there will be monitoring thereof, to prevent another ruined generation; media must be cleaned out as well, ALL of it! This is just a start. It would be an enormous, and long term undertaking, for which we have less than a decade, most likely.

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So your position is:

1. it is too late to do anything constructive;

2. God is going to destroy the people on the earth because we have failed to live correctly - that is failed to live in a manner that would have obviated the present disastrous situation;

3. by praying we will receive God's grace and when he destroys everything we who have prayed correctly will be given eternal life in Heaven;

4. there is no time to do anything else.

Do I have this right?

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1) No, I said it's too late to refers them destruction done here; NOT the same thing!

2) Again wrong; Yhwh is righteous and humanity, for the most part have been immoral or amoral for centuries, by choice. His warnings have been ignored, so He will execute sentence on those who are unrepentant.

3) Not just "praying", but repentance for the sins you have committed, and asking Yeshua tone your Redeemer, to buy you back from the penalty owed for your sins 4) There isn't time enough to refers the evil that has put humanity into this mess,except on individual bases,and that should be our focus now, in the time left, before the rapture (snatching out).

As usual, you have it distorted, as have most who have ignored Yhwh's Word; you hear only what you want to hear, and reject cautions or truth that don't align with that. It's really rather sad. But you have free will, even to choose he'll over heaven.

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Ok, The Rapture. Thanks.

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Mock all you like. The end of this story was already written nearly 2K yrs ago, and Yhwh God has not been wrong yet, so no sound reason to expect that to change now.

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The Rapture - an invention of C.I. Scofield, and Nelson Darby.

Good luck to you.

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No sir, not hardly! They maybe the who gave it the name"rapture", from the Latin "raparer" (to snatch out, or away), but the 1st mention of it occurred in Genesis, when Enoch, who walked with Yhwh God, and "then he was not"; no body was found , Yhwh took him. The next mention is in Kings, with the transfer of prophetic duties from Elijah to Elisha, the latter having witnessed his mentors snatching away, by what he described as the "chariot of fire", and only Rooney's mantle remained. The next Person to mention it is Yeshua, in His parables, and after Him his apostles, particularly Paul, in many of his letters to the churches. ALL of that predated your 19th century scholars by a solid 18 centuries, at the minimum. Quoheleth got it right when he penned the statement " there is nothing new under the sun", because that concept was already old when he walked the Earth!

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