"failed biosecurity measures" my arse. It is time to dismantle these bio quackery science and stop crimes against humanity.

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Thank you both for ALL you do.

We the People are pissed. Stop the "publicly funded" Mad Scientists.

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So many ghoulish people in academia. You'd think all the leaks over the last 60 years or so that have lead to millions of sick and dead people would be a preventative to humans trying to be God and creating new life forms. Too many people have too much money and too much idle time, I guess, with no moral balance in their hearts. As Solzhenitsyn said, "Without God, anything is possible".

Danny Huckabee

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Dr McCullough: You are making a case for why Trump needs a Pandemic Czar, if for no other reason but to prevent evil forces from disrupting his presidency as they did in 2020.

You would be a great choice. Actually so would Dr Malone, who despite his past history, has been saying all the right things. And Trump could introduce Malone as the person who invented the new technology.

Note that RFK Jr. was interviewed by Hannity last night. RFK Jr. must be following everything you and Dr Hulscher have been saying on X, about stopping culling and not vaccinating the birds and use of Vit A for Measles.

However, he went way over the head of Hannity, who wasn't paying attention and only wanted to to say that if RFK Jr. ever outlaws what Trump likes to eat, he would be fired.

Note, that RFK Jr. has been very smart, citing NIH, CDC and FDA as the source for his conclusions. For RFK Jr to have a Pandemic Czar in the White House, would also help with the communications.

Note, the Dave Welden hearing for CDC will take place on Thursday.

He has spoken out in the past about the obvious correlation of autism and vaccines.

And if anyone is wondering, Speaker Johnson is delaying the confirmation of Elise Stefanik for Ambassador to the UN, until at least after April 1, when the 2 FL Republicans should be elected.

Stefanik, who was #4 in the House, has no committee assignments during her wait.

Also, you probably know that the House lost a 70 yr old Democrat from TX after Trumps address to Congress. To replace him, its supposed to take 2 months from when announced by the Governor, without a primary. To replace Stefanik, it is supposed to take up to 80 days, but I don't trust Big Tisch. That really helps the math to pass legislation.

Hopefully Trump, who watches Fox, has seen one of your 2 Ads on Fox by now and will know who your are.

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Dr Malone is NOT a friend of Dr. McCullough. Look how he characterizes him in this article👇


team comprised of a clinical renal cardiologist, a writer of true crime novels, and an MPH who graduated in 2024 with a specialization in epidemiology. None of these authors has any training or experience in virology, sequence analysis, viral evolution or geospatial tracking of viral evolution.

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Note that RFK Jr. has in an interview called out Dr PMC as being the world leader in his field (renal cardiology?) so Malone can't fool RFK Jr. which must make Malone upset.

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Interesting. I never said they were friends. Maybe Dr Malone has a conflict of interest himself, as he appears to be looking for a position with RFK Jr and feels a need to belittle the opposition.

But, if Dr PMC is correct (per Dr Malone):

"the assertions that the H5N1 strain currently circulating in the United States were created in an Athens, Georgia, USDA laboratory and (simultaneously, independently?) in the Rotterdam, Netherlands Erasmus medical center would be explosive, would increase general public fear, and would certainly increase distrust of both USDA and other US Government-sponsored virology research."

Dr PMC said that USDA admitted to these findings at a conference where they made a presentation. They have not denied the conclusions that appear in a peer reviewed paper.

Regarding Robert Malone, how many publications does he have since the Plandemic began in full, in 2020? To not use the words Expert and Dr PMC together, is just blasphemy.

Fact is that combined they know more than any pair, but Dr Malone continues to attack his competition.

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The same way that xylitol blocks RSV, H1N1, and Sars-cov-2, it also blocks H5N1. study was done and published last year. block adhesion to airway tissue and it makes it more difficult to cause an infection.

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Meanwhile Robert Malone (not Dr.) is late to the party by throwing shade at your publication o the origin.

He annoys me so much because he never offers any solutions the way you and Wellness company do. Here is his pathetic substack which made it to CFP stack. I stopped following him a while ago


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