Why are so many scientists and doctors on board with killing and harming? Why don't they just refuse to participate? Why is there so much obvious evil now in the medical industry???

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Why? You ask why? Why do you ask why?

Scientists and doctors have been trained to believe that they are a breed apart from the rest of humanity. They alone can determine the truth that the rest of us heathens are not educated enough to discern.

With that level of isolation from their basic humanity, other people begin to look like interesting experimental specimens that they can toy with for their own edification. And if there is irreparable damage created in their experiments, chalk it up to necessary collateral damage on the way to furthering their base of scientific knowledge.

Once you have started down that road, you cannot back up without realizing that you have become a monster. So that's not going to happen.

Remember the 1931 movie Frankenstein? Yeah. That's our reality now but on a much larger scale.

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I wonder how many doctors and scientists took the COVID shots....

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A surprising number of people are amoral, especially when there is money involved.

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Money, honey.

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Cause unfortunately, money is the root of all evil

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The love of money, not money itself.

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And pride.

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Read the 1976 interview of the late US political envoy Harold Wallace Rosenthal. Read about the true identity of 11 out of 12 newly-qualifying doctors in the US at that time.

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Thinking it's for the greater good tends to stop all other moral evaluations..

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Sick and Disgusting!

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These products, although marketed as "vaccines" with the intention of misleading the public into thinking of them as some novel health products, are in fact bioweapons deployed against the population. They are weapons of mass destruction -- nothing more, nothing less.

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Watch what your vet wants to inject into your pet! There are many dangerous "vaccines" that are creating cancers of all types in dogs and cats -- especially dogs! If they have no compunction about killing humans, they obviously do not care about vaccines for pets that also have dangerous adverse events.

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6 years ago, my Boston Terrier received a large battery of vaccines at once. Shortly after, he developed an aggressive oral cancer resulting in a painful death.

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I am so sorry. How awful. Giving pets injections is a large revenue stream for the veterinary industry.

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Oh God, Nicolas. I'm so sorry.

How can the vets not know what they're doing? The level of evil is unfathomable.

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They go into denial as this is a major part of their revenue stream. What a shame.

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So sorry to hear that. I am afraid to take my pups to the vet anymore.

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Thank you VERY MUCH for this, NICOLAS! Nothing more matters for humanity's future than enradicating mRNA from anything injected or ingested, I think. https://donpaul.substack.com/p/the-children-ask-why-theyre-being

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I hope this great article is forwarded to Robert Kennedy Jr. today!!! Thank you. Just in case!

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This is chilling! I forwarded this to an awakened veterinarian friend.

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Thank you for writing this. I had heard that mRNA is being used in swine, but this is new. This absolutely needs to be spotlighted.

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Can Trump and RFK take office, like, today please??

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Self-replicating mRNA - what could possibly go wrong?

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Screw big pharma. No reason to ever trust these medical terrorists after the last 5 years and even after the last 60 years. Self amplifying mRNA implies that they want to flood your body with this dangerous poison for no other reason then to MURDER you.

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I don't think this crap is going very far. There is major panic about it in Japan and I don't think the Japanese people are going to be fooled by the propaganda from the health department and the drug industry.


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I read the Japan Times article. Hmmm.

It's interesting to note the giant gaps in the article that don't address the issues raised. Instead of providing complete answers, they rely on the idea that anything that casts concern about these new products is apparently not scientific. Ah ha. Got it. The high priests of science have spoken so we must believe.

A typical example:

"Kostaive was shown to prevent the development of severe illness in 95.3% of those who received it while preventing symptoms from emerging in 56.6% of recipients."


What was the baseline data that they used to compare the effectiveness of Kostaive against? [crickets...] With just the raw figures they present, we are supposed to believe that Kostaive is almost certainly the answer to our prayers. The idea that people who have not received Kostaive product have the same level response to severe illness of COVID or are asymptomatic as those that receive their new product is not going to be published.


Another classic:

“The statement cites a paper in which the authors imagine that shedding could occur with this vaccine and say that there is concern about shedding, but in reality, there is no paper that has proven shedding at all.”

The word “shedding” is often used to refer to the transmission of a virus to humans through saliva or droplets after the virus replicates in the body. Yamada says there is no possibility of Kostaive causing the virus to be transmitted.

“This vaccine only contains mRNA that produces spike proteins, so it is impossible to create a complete virus,” he said.

Ah..., what? They don't define what it means to shed the end products of these injections even though they admit that there is a concern about shedding. Instead they morph the discussion to say that Kostaive injections do not cause someone to shed the virus.

Hello there! Anybody home?

Shedding the virus has never been the concern presented about shedding after injection with mRNA products. The concern is about shedding spike protein that these mRNA products create in a body, spike proteins that can cause harm when others are exposed to it has been the concern, the same harm we see now in so many people who have subjected themselves to the injections - arterial damage, neurological damage, and various other organ and tissue damage.

The last paragraph was particularly grating in view of the recommendations that we had in 2021 for everybody, including teenagers and children, to get the new mRNA shots:

"COVID-19 shots are recommended for people age 65 or older and those between the ages of 60 and 64 with severe underlying conditions."

How can we ever trust our authorities when they have so completely betrayed their duty to us?

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Nov 7Edited

When my husband and I visited Japan around 20 years ago, our hotel provided us with a morning copy of the Japan Times paper. We remarked that the op-ed pages were quite honest about the problems the country had, more than even our media tended to cover even at that time. No idea if they are posting such things now on their website.

In any event, I didn't post the Japan Times article because I expected them to seriously question the shots. I posted it because at least they had the audacity to publish the fact that quite a number people of Japan are not happy with what is going on. In our mainstream media, such coverage would not be seen.

I can't expect perfection. I will take what I can get.

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Interesting observation about the op-ed pages in Japan Times. Good to know that somebody somewhere is still allowed to voice their opinions and objections to the approved narratives.

Our mainstream media..., I don't even want to get started down that path. Let's just say that there is a lot of room for improvement.

Thanks again for posting the link to Japan Times.

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All lies, all cheating, all pure crap. The only solution is for everyone to refuse.

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It will be going in the food. NWO one world dictatorship mass-murderers are very crafty and very clever, and they do very illegal things, like poisoning people. Refusing the jabs has been anticipated, and measures taken.

In Mexico they patented a COVID mRNA vaccine to be grown inside tomato plants, that technology has been introduced into other plant crops since. In one state in the US that I read of, legislation is being proposed to make the labelling of such foods compulsory, but this is in relation to such foods that have already been introduced into the public food supply.

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Excellent points -- should be transmitted to Japanese authorities. Unfortunately as in many other countries, economic incentives are at play in their approval decisions. This is why public information is so vital. It gives ordinary people the courage to face down and prevail over the experts.

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It’s madness! Don’t the fools authorizing these jabs have any concerns for their own safety or those around them such as their loved one’s? Are they so blinded by greed and pride that they would introduce these untested jabs for a so called emergency use authorization when we aren’t in an emergency any more?!?! These fools will pull the whole country down upon their idiotic heads. God help us!!! 🙏🏻

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Ross, I agree completely.

The only positive I see coming from our current state of affairs is when we all get so completely disgusted with the malfeasance of our authorities that we revolt and reject it all. I call this our guillotine moment, the time when we don't give a damn what happens to us as long as we exterminate the entire ruling elite class.

After that point that a new ruling class will begin to emerge.

With recent history in mind, our new leaders will then be well aware of the personal consequences that will befall them if they fail in their duties to the general public. We won't tolerate their greed, their obvious open corruption, any longer. Our leaders need periodic reminders of that kind to keep from believing that they are somehow untouchable and beyond reproach.

Rulers only rule by consent of the governed.

We need to stop consenting now.

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I think we need to question why we need rulers at all. Look into Voluntaryism and Natural Law.

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These fools in authority are indeed concerned for their own safety -- they don't get these shots themselves (except the soon-to-be-former president). Perhaps they need additional motivation to be concerned about their own livelihoods, such as being fired and prosecuted.

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Yes. Agree.

But I must remind you that our newly elected president also got the requisite two jabs when the jabs first came out. Whether Trump personally continued with the program I couldn’t say. But I would like to hear it directly from his mouth whether he feels the mRNA products that were developed and foisted on us during his first administration were a good idea then or if they are a good idea now.

Not heating anything directly from Trump on this matter leaves me wondering where his commitment really lies. It’s funny that nobody seems to ask him that question either. I wonder why?

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Yes, President-Elect Trump must bear some responsibility for the over-hasty Warp Speed vax campaign. Big mistake to rely on Fauci and Birx for advice. Trump has a hard time admitting error, but it would be of service to all if he would say he was wrong about the covidian cult, and regrets his decision to go along with them. He did have the guts, however, to include RFK Jr, who has been a consistent critic of big pharma and its lethal influence on public health, in his Administration.

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It seems to me the human race is staring down an inevitable existential confrontation with the biopharmaceutical complex due to its beyond-Orwellian genetic interferences in God's design for humanity. Man's self-replicating intrusions into the very inner sanctum of an individual's physical or mental personhood poses a form of abject slavery such as the world has never seen, and from which it may scarcely recover. For Christians, it would require apostasy from Christ to allow this sort of possession of the inner sanctum by any but Himself. Perilous times these.

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Yes and the satans now have most 'christian' churches praying to them.

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The world is trying hard to move on from the horrors inflicted upon us these past four years. Then an article such as we see here today comes along and the depression, hopelessness and despair return with gusto!

Who, in the name of good God, is allowing and/or promoting the insidious events we read about in this article? I for one, would love to have a completely old fashioned normal day….to rejuvenate my inner soul with a bit of undisturbed happiness. Must divert my reading time to a good novel!!

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The satans are.

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Marilyn, good idea. Let me know what you find to read.

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I could hardly believe what I was reading. I was going to get myself a puppy when everything calmed down, and I trust vets as much as I trust doctors. I used to get titer tests for my past dog because I felt like they were killing my dog with those shots, but I won’t feel comfortable until RFK, Jr. puts an end to all this madness.

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