The first victim had made sure to tell everyone he knew that he was NOT suicidal, just in case he wound up dead. It was NOT a suicide.

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Epstein told everyone he wasn't suicidal too, and after he killed himself by hanging drop down style, breaking his own neck all using sheets and a bunkbed in his cell—he's 6' by the way—the investigator claimed that as a serial manipulator, Epstein's claim of not being suicidal was just yet another deception on his part in a long series of them. Master manipulator!

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I live in Mexico, that place the US State Department warns US citizens to avoid due to the presence of cartels. I point out to anyone who asks that I am not afraid. "In fact," I add, "I am very familiar with cartels. Up North, we call our cartels, 'corporations.' "

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Is that something like the way Obama warned the incoming President Trump to be careful of Michael Flynn? Hmmmm….

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There are no accidents….. especially when it involves the military industrial complex. As usual the elites are sending a message.

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"It Was Brutal": 2nd Boeing-Linked Whistleblower Dies: [How would a young, healthy person catch something like that?]

A whistleblower at Boeing supplier Spirit AeroSystems died Tuesday morning following a struggle with a 'sudden, fast-spreading infection,' the Seattle Times reports...

..He had been in good health, and 'was noted for having a healthy lifestyle,' according to the report.

He had been in critical condition for two weeks, according to his aunt Carol Parsons, who said he became ill and went to the hospital due to breathing difficulties. He was intubated, after which he developed pneumonia and then MRSA, a serious bacterial infection.

His condition deteriorated rapidly, and he was airlifted from Wichita to a hospital in Oklahoma City, Parsons said. There he was put on an ECMO machine, which circulates and oxygenates a patient’s blood outside the body, taking over heart and lung function when a patient’s organs don’t work on their own. -Seattle Times

Doctors had considered amputating both hands and both feet. "It was brutal what he went through," said Parsons. "Heartbreaking." https://www.zerohedge.com/political/it-was-brutal-2nd-boeing-linked-whistleblower-dies

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Died of a healthy conscience

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Signalling words, aren't they.

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The Boeing whistleblower about a month ago had been in good spirits, and was working hard to get everything set for court, but was found "suicided" in his car, without warning or a note.

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Boeing, boeing, gone...

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May 2Edited

Its a message to the next potential whistle blowers, this is what happens when you tell the truth, they do not kill you for telling LIES, otherwise everyone in office and the FDA, CDC, Doctors and all the rest would have been gone long ago, they get protected because they are LIARS, truth tellers get slandered, discredited, misinformation spreaders and murdered.. The public for the most part through MSM, drink the Kool Aid because they never dug for any truth in their lives, because they live the American Dream, no need to dig for truth when the MSM tells the truth all the time and we believe them LOL.. That unfortunately is the majority.

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If it is still a majority, it is a rapidly shrinking one. Covid is an apocalypse: a seeing through the veil of illusion crafted and disseminated by federal agencies and the W.H.O. Americans are seeing through the lies: 7 out of 10 polled see SARS-2 was an engineered pathogen, not natural or zoonotic. https://www.deseret.com/politics/2024/04/17/what-are-the-origins-of-covid-19/?utm_source=ksl&utm_medium=referrer

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About that "american dream", from my perspective it died 22NOV63. That's why they call it the American Dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it.

George Carlin

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Same here! So good!!

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Laura, I agree but until that silent majority say NO More We do Not Comply it matters not..

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They will go about their lives enjoying the bread and circuses.

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Most people, in fact, will not take the trouble in finding out the truth, but are much more inclined to accept the first story they hear.

Thucydides Yes, the Covid Hysteria is a classic example!

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The liars are not only protected but are given huge monetary bonuses for murdering innocent people

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You got it.. I will never understand how they sleep at night and how they look at their families and care and protect them and do not care about anybody else family. But I do realize these EVIL people are only allowed to get to their levels if they can do what they do to Millions and do not care, to them its like killing a roach or an insect, but don't hurt anybody in their family or their children.. But one day they will regret it..

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Isn’t that the truth! I spoke to an older family member this weekend, who was alive when Kennedy was assassinated and she had never once heard the hypothesis that the CIA killed him. I was shocked that someone had lived through that and had never looked into it beyond what had been reported on the news.

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Yep, total blindness to TRUTH and 20/20 vision on LIES and no questioning anything, just believing since I have all my material wealth... Give them their wealth and comfort or the American dream, pick their enemies who do not look like them, or believe like them or outright LIE about them through the controlled accomplice MSM, then attack their country and steal their resources with LIES while chanting USA USA with Fake Patriotism' LOL, and you have your controlled populace who believe in LIES, and will fight against you when you bring the TRUTH.. Bought, sold and paid for..

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Is there some way to indicate that I am thankful for the article, but I don’t “❤️” it?

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And unfortunately, we have a current government that wants us all to be terrified into not whistleblowing; so I imagine our government agencies aren’t even going to look into this seriously

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Of course they won’t. They are probably involved in what happened to both of the truth tellers.

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True, and it's most evident that this Extremist Biden Regime's MO is to destroy everything in America including Airline Transportation. Their bloody hands are in on it.

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I wonder what the odds are of two whistle blowers dying within two months?

I don’t trust the military industrial complex, or the deep state government or the lap dog media!

Mass corruption!

Pure evil!

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The fella that developed PCR was healthy but died quickly from an infection that took over his body. Was that a natural infection, I tend to doubt it.

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Dr. Kary Mullis, the inventor of the PCR test, died in August 2019. Mullis stated that the PCR test was not to be used as a diagnostic tool.

On many occasions he pretty much said Fauci was an idiot.

Considering that the plandemic was driven by an overcycled PCR test, the date of his death is a little too convenient.

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It would appear that blowing (the whistle) on Boeing can be hazardous to one's health and greatly shorten life expectancy

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So could flying in one of their planes...especially the 737 MAX.

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Ask yourselves how much it would cost to have someone killed? Chump change for a major corporation. Especially one that’s so much a part of our military. Just a matter of dropping a name and a hint over a beer at the bar…

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I think they have their own personal assassination squads.

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I wonder how many people know that the big Aero/AeroSpace companies have their very own 'Intel Agencies' (ala 'CIA-type')......and they go around 'bumping people off', at will?!

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The same has been alleged for Big Pharma.

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I can vouch for that. I got out of the profession when the plandemic was initiated. I refuse to kill people for money. Like the health care workers who took money to inject people with the bioweapon.

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Terrifying ….such an existence

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I am saddened by the news of these untimely deaths, but not surprised in the slightest. Schwabb said "nothing was off the table", referring to the aspirations of the WEF to rapidly achieve dominance over every aspect of every persons life/death in the entire world. I have been watching them with a curious, loathful interest since 1992, and am astonished at their impunity. They truly are without a conscience. I agree that a formal investigation is in order...with the reservation that none of those in authority can be trusted any longer to tell the truth. My condolences to the families of those who have fallen in the war against the evil of those who love a lie and hate the truth. The death toll is going to continue to escalate exponentially going forward...Please, folks, consider trusting Jesus before it is too late. Those currently in power seem to disregard the sanctity of life, and favour the gaining of their perverse objectives in lieu of the truth. Vengeance belongs to God, He WILL REPAY.

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Given that Schwabb was hand picked by Kissinger, nothing coming out of his mouth would surprise me.

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Good catch on the MRSA, Mr. Leake! I could not BELIEVE the headline last evening announcing the sudden mysterious death of a 2nd Boeing whistleblower.

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Interesting that JBarnett was reported to have had his hand wrapped around the grip of his gun, with finger on trigger, and gun in his lap after shooting himself in the head. Seems unlikely from a physics perspective. Sounds more like how The Highland Park Black Widow did things.

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Same darn thing seems to happen to people set to testify against the Clintons. I wonder if they all are drinking the same poisoned water or something.

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