Since 2007, the U.S. has heavily relied on debt to support its high standard of living. This has strongly contributed to the proliferation of total nonsense in public affairs.
Recently I read Dr Suzanne Humphrie's Dissolving Illusions, a book that makes you rethink everything you've been taught about the allopathic medical model.
But you've taken it up a notch, and I think you're right.
"Such a crisis would, however, terminate or Age of Delusional Nonsense"
We're in for a ride, and not for the feint of heart.
If you appreciated, "Dissolving Illusions" (which I also read), I think you will also appreciate, " "Crooked": Man-Made Disease Explained, by Forrest Maready.
If I had the ways & the means, I would make these books available to the majority of the population who are sadly & woefully misinformed about vaccines. Also, "Turtles All The Way Down" (the one with the forward by Mary Holland, JD). There are now other books that have used that title, so need to make that distinction.
Yes, so many hidden truths but in these books. Like 90% or more of the diseases or infections were in FREEFALL prior to the introduction of the vaccines due to increased hygiene, sanitation and better nutrition.
Dr. Humphries & Roman Bystrianyk did a great job in researching this topic. My hat goes off to them. Someone else who has pointed this out in earlier books & publications is Russell Blaylock, MD - a retired neurosurgeon. I subscribe to his monthly newsletter, "The Blaylock Wellness Report". He is deeply knowledgeable about biochemistry & the way everything impacts our health. He is not supportive of any vaccines. I highly recommend his newsletter which is available through Newsmax as an on-line edition or a hard copy that is mailed. I opted for the hard copy as it is easier for me to refer back to prior issues. Also, as a subscriber, one can go to the on-line site & read all of the back issues. A password is needed, which changes monthly, & is made available in each edition. It is a valuable source of information.
And I'm sure you're familiar with the Baileys, Dr. Sam & her husband, doctors from Australia? They are doing amazing work there exposing the fallacy of the allopathic supposed "war on germs" by lifting up the true hero of it all, the terrain theory of real immunity. Terrain Theory will forever change the way we've done business in the last 100 years. As Dr Palmer once said "If the germ theory of disease were true no one would be alive to believe it.” 😊.
I used to read Blaylock years ago, yes, he is a very wise man. I interact occasionally with Roman here on Substack too when he puts out happenings 100 years ago that was going on. They've been trying to corral us in the Medical Cartel for a long time! Thanks for your thoughts!
Obviously, I can't speak for ALL government jobs. However, I did spend 31 years in a state government job at a university in South Texas. I can assure you that we always had productive work to do, except during a few summers in the early years. Later on, as administrative staff, we worked until the job was done, often working well before and after the usual 8 to 5.
I can also say that we were grossly underpaid until the last few years, after a survey showed our salary schedule was about 15% below the local pay scale, which was about 15% below the state average, which was about 15% below the national average. The story was likely apocryphal, but supposedly some secretaries in the colleges were leaving to go work at McDonalds for higher pay.
And we were considered state employees, but some state employees working at the same jobs in other agencies were paid at a higher rate. A threatened civil rights lawsuit resulted in changes for the better in the 90s. And no, I'm not a "minority" in any way: I'm about as white as they come.
That said, I'm fairly certain the average federal employee, what I'd call the bread and butter workers, have had little or nothing to do with the spiraling debt we're facing. That can be laid at the feet of primarily the politicians and the political appointees.
Very well written. The Federal level is to blame… at least for now. Tax and spend is broken. Lack of balanced budget is unsustainable. They could increase the salaries of good people like you if they eliminate the waste and fraud.
“When people are not constrained by reality in their daily lives and work their fantasies and delusions run wild.” Unfortunately this describes the majority of people. Personal credit use is a depiction of the same insanity.
The probability of Earth-impact will likely increase until it suddenly goes to 0% (or 100%). Why “city-killer” asteroid YR4’s impact probability keeps increasing
The only vehicle I ever bought brand new is the rear wheel drive 6 cylinder truck in my driveway with hay and straw in the back of it. House was paid off in 18 years because the “plan” demic allowed for me to work 2000 hours of overtime in one year. So I paid it off first. One income because wife stayed home for our autistic son. And I paid child support for 2 other children from previous marriage. Difficult, but take advantage when opportunity presents itself.
It's all about debt! And if you think it is anything other than a scheme to use the US Treasury to transfer wealth to Wall Street, you would be wrong...!
Illusion…. I’d contend 99% of what’s in social media posts
Delusion…. Everything- 100% that was promoted and propagandized during the Biden administration… surrounding the TRANS agenda … which told us men can be women …and women can be men …and minor children can decode this for themselves
And virtual reality… is all social engineering and an attempt to disconnect people from …actual REALITY!!!
And once that occurs
People are living in a state of illusion, delusion and virtual reality….
Might it not be more accurate to blame this debt spiral on the vast amount of money funneled into the bottomless black hole of the Pentagon, in other words Eisenhower‘s MI(C)C? The average American isn‘t living particularly well.
That $36 trillion deficit = 1/3 real spending, 1/3 accumulated interest added into the deficit, 1/3 fraud and abuse. Millions of grifters, a whole DC Swamp empowered army of them, have been sucking the taxpayer dollar dry for decades. May they all become homeless. They deserve no less.
Trump is getting rid of penny production. Bad move as the Fed had crumpled the dollar's value from a whole buck down to about 2-3 cents since they came into being 111 years ago. We are going to need those pennies.
When the bureaucrats running our Social Security system don’t notice they are sending BILLIONS to MILLIONS of dead people…they should be fired and PROSECUTED.
I don't know that it was confirmed yet that money was actually sent, but if so, the question is where is that money, who received those checks? It's quite possible that it was funneled elsewhere; perhaps they DID know and profited from it. In either case, the result should be the same, fired and prosecuted!!
I’m sure many of the do nothing bureaucrats are relatives of someone who got them a job! I feel badly for those who work hard and do their job. They’re taking some hard knocks. This audit needed to happen. Long overdue.
We tried to always live debt-free. We bought a modest 100+ yr old house that needed work, and refinanced when interest rates dropped, changing from a 30 yr to a 15 yr term, and are now mortgage-free and totally debt-free. We buy used cars and drive them into the dirt until they die at 20-25 yrs old. We live within our means so we can completely pay our credit card bills every month. And all this on a modest single salary, because I wanted to be the one to raise my children at home, so I was a full time mom. It can be done, but one has to be willing to make sacrifices. IMO we're living in an age of entitlement and selfishness. More and more people feel they need to have more and more stuff, bigger better and more expensive stuff, status competing stuff. I was raised by parents who lived through the great depression. They could better distinguish between want and need, and they instilled that in us. Perhaps we need another depression as a reset? I guess it boils down to priorities, and that needs a reset as well.
Here's NPR's take today on data on current federal contract savings ( February 19, 20258:40 PM ET):
"NPR's analysis found that, of its verifiable work completed so far, DOGE has cut just $2 billion in spending — less than three hundredths of a percent of last fiscal year's federal spending.
"Think of Congress and its budget as the debt-ridden dad on the way to buy a $250,000 Ferrari on the credit card, and DOGE is the $2 off gas card he used along the way," Riedl said. "It's great that he saved $2 on gas, but I think his wife may be more concerned about the $250,000 car."
OK then - UNSUSTAINABLE INSANITY is: 36.5$ Trillion in National debt; or 323,047$ debt per taxpayer; or 107.258$ per citizen; or 123.03% US National debt to GDP ratio. Doesn't sound good.
Yes, pretty much the entire global money supply is created and issued as interest-bearing debt. Why else would a government that could create money, but doesn't, be in debt $36T? Why would the world be in debt $315T? And why would the entire global money supply be only $84T? The answer is compound interest. Haven't you ever wondered why it is not taught in our schools, or why you've never even asked that question? Come one people, understanding money is important!
Recently I read Dr Suzanne Humphrie's Dissolving Illusions, a book that makes you rethink everything you've been taught about the allopathic medical model.
But you've taken it up a notch, and I think you're right.
"Such a crisis would, however, terminate or Age of Delusional Nonsense"
We're in for a ride, and not for the feint of heart.
If you appreciated, "Dissolving Illusions" (which I also read), I think you will also appreciate, " "Crooked": Man-Made Disease Explained, by Forrest Maready.
Yes, thank you. I've read that, too. Wow, so true. Thanks for sharing!
If I had the ways & the means, I would make these books available to the majority of the population who are sadly & woefully misinformed about vaccines. Also, "Turtles All The Way Down" (the one with the forward by Mary Holland, JD). There are now other books that have used that title, so need to make that distinction.
Yes, so many hidden truths but in these books. Like 90% or more of the diseases or infections were in FREEFALL prior to the introduction of the vaccines due to increased hygiene, sanitation and better nutrition.
Dr. Humphries & Roman Bystrianyk did a great job in researching this topic. My hat goes off to them. Someone else who has pointed this out in earlier books & publications is Russell Blaylock, MD - a retired neurosurgeon. I subscribe to his monthly newsletter, "The Blaylock Wellness Report". He is deeply knowledgeable about biochemistry & the way everything impacts our health. He is not supportive of any vaccines. I highly recommend his newsletter which is available through Newsmax as an on-line edition or a hard copy that is mailed. I opted for the hard copy as it is easier for me to refer back to prior issues. Also, as a subscriber, one can go to the on-line site & read all of the back issues. A password is needed, which changes monthly, & is made available in each edition. It is a valuable source of information.
And I'm sure you're familiar with the Baileys, Dr. Sam & her husband, doctors from Australia? They are doing amazing work there exposing the fallacy of the allopathic supposed "war on germs" by lifting up the true hero of it all, the terrain theory of real immunity. Terrain Theory will forever change the way we've done business in the last 100 years. As Dr Palmer once said "If the germ theory of disease were true no one would be alive to believe it.” 😊.
I used to read Blaylock years ago, yes, he is a very wise man. I interact occasionally with Roman here on Substack too when he puts out happenings 100 years ago that was going on. They've been trying to corral us in the Medical Cartel for a long time! Thanks for your thoughts!
" I suspect that more than half of all government jobs consist of doing total BS activities"
only half?
Only suspect? 😉
Obviously, I can't speak for ALL government jobs. However, I did spend 31 years in a state government job at a university in South Texas. I can assure you that we always had productive work to do, except during a few summers in the early years. Later on, as administrative staff, we worked until the job was done, often working well before and after the usual 8 to 5.
I can also say that we were grossly underpaid until the last few years, after a survey showed our salary schedule was about 15% below the local pay scale, which was about 15% below the state average, which was about 15% below the national average. The story was likely apocryphal, but supposedly some secretaries in the colleges were leaving to go work at McDonalds for higher pay.
And we were considered state employees, but some state employees working at the same jobs in other agencies were paid at a higher rate. A threatened civil rights lawsuit resulted in changes for the better in the 90s. And no, I'm not a "minority" in any way: I'm about as white as they come.
That said, I'm fairly certain the average federal employee, what I'd call the bread and butter workers, have had little or nothing to do with the spiraling debt we're facing. That can be laid at the feet of primarily the politicians and the political appointees.
Very well written. The Federal level is to blame… at least for now. Tax and spend is broken. Lack of balanced budget is unsustainable. They could increase the salaries of good people like you if they eliminate the waste and fraud.
“When people are not constrained by reality in their daily lives and work their fantasies and delusions run wild.” Unfortunately this describes the majority of people. Personal credit use is a depiction of the same insanity.
This is precisely why I sometimes root for Team Meteor. We are in need of a restart.
Can you direct it at DC, Brussels, the City of London, NYC, or even at Kief?
The probability of Earth-impact will likely increase until it suddenly goes to 0% (or 100%). Why “city-killer” asteroid YR4’s impact probability keeps increasing
Asteroid 2024 YR4, which could devastate a city’s worth of humans, has gone from 1.2% to 2.3% to 2.6% to 3.1% chances of impact. Here’s why.
The only vehicle I ever bought brand new is the rear wheel drive 6 cylinder truck in my driveway with hay and straw in the back of it. House was paid off in 18 years because the “plan” demic allowed for me to work 2000 hours of overtime in one year. So I paid it off first. One income because wife stayed home for our autistic son. And I paid child support for 2 other children from previous marriage. Difficult, but take advantage when opportunity presents itself.
It's all about debt! And if you think it is anything other than a scheme to use the US Treasury to transfer wealth to Wall Street, you would be wrong...!
Illusion…. I’d contend 99% of what’s in social media posts
Delusion…. Everything- 100% that was promoted and propagandized during the Biden administration… surrounding the TRANS agenda … which told us men can be women …and women can be men …and minor children can decode this for themselves
And virtual reality… is all social engineering and an attempt to disconnect people from …actual REALITY!!!
And once that occurs
People are living in a state of illusion, delusion and virtual reality….
People are more easily manipulated
Controlled and
Coerced … to do and say anything
Might it not be more accurate to blame this debt spiral on the vast amount of money funneled into the bottomless black hole of the Pentagon, in other words Eisenhower‘s MI(C)C? The average American isn‘t living particularly well.
That $36 trillion deficit = 1/3 real spending, 1/3 accumulated interest added into the deficit, 1/3 fraud and abuse. Millions of grifters, a whole DC Swamp empowered army of them, have been sucking the taxpayer dollar dry for decades. May they all become homeless. They deserve no less.
Trump is getting rid of penny production. Bad move as the Fed had crumpled the dollar's value from a whole buck down to about 2-3 cents since they came into being 111 years ago. We are going to need those pennies.
When the bureaucrats running our Social Security system don’t notice they are sending BILLIONS to MILLIONS of dead people…they should be fired and PROSECUTED.
I don't know that it was confirmed yet that money was actually sent, but if so, the question is where is that money, who received those checks? It's quite possible that it was funneled elsewhere; perhaps they DID know and profited from it. In either case, the result should be the same, fired and prosecuted!!
Ah yes, the termination of the gravy train could well be upon us. Despite the delusions of those too young to know better, shit does indeed happen.
I’m sure many of the do nothing bureaucrats are relatives of someone who got them a job! I feel badly for those who work hard and do their job. They’re taking some hard knocks. This audit needed to happen. Long overdue.
So few people are willing to live within their means, and that includes government.
We tried to always live debt-free. We bought a modest 100+ yr old house that needed work, and refinanced when interest rates dropped, changing from a 30 yr to a 15 yr term, and are now mortgage-free and totally debt-free. We buy used cars and drive them into the dirt until they die at 20-25 yrs old. We live within our means so we can completely pay our credit card bills every month. And all this on a modest single salary, because I wanted to be the one to raise my children at home, so I was a full time mom. It can be done, but one has to be willing to make sacrifices. IMO we're living in an age of entitlement and selfishness. More and more people feel they need to have more and more stuff, bigger better and more expensive stuff, status competing stuff. I was raised by parents who lived through the great depression. They could better distinguish between want and need, and they instilled that in us. Perhaps we need another depression as a reset? I guess it boils down to priorities, and that needs a reset as well.
Here's NPR's take today on data on current federal contract savings ( February 19, 20258:40 PM ET):
"NPR's analysis found that, of its verifiable work completed so far, DOGE has cut just $2 billion in spending — less than three hundredths of a percent of last fiscal year's federal spending.
"Think of Congress and its budget as the debt-ridden dad on the way to buy a $250,000 Ferrari on the credit card, and DOGE is the $2 off gas card he used along the way," Riedl said. "It's great that he saved $2 on gas, but I think his wife may be more concerned about the $250,000 car."
OK then - UNSUSTAINABLE INSANITY is: 36.5$ Trillion in National debt; or 323,047$ debt per taxpayer; or 107.258$ per citizen; or 123.03% US National debt to GDP ratio. Doesn't sound good.
Yes, pretty much the entire global money supply is created and issued as interest-bearing debt. Why else would a government that could create money, but doesn't, be in debt $36T? Why would the world be in debt $315T? And why would the entire global money supply be only $84T? The answer is compound interest. Haven't you ever wondered why it is not taught in our schools, or why you've never even asked that question? Come one people, understanding money is important!
And all of the debt is assessed at gold prices at $42.22 per ounce. Not 2900 per ounce!😉