Just when I think I couldn’t possibly hate these hypocrites more, I do.

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Wait! I was going to say that!

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I’m sure so many of us are saying it!

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I used to think they weren't poisoning our food to make us sick..."𝐛𝐮𝐭" this changed everything.... https://t.co/4NWnqxRjgM

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You can’t make this stuff up

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You took the words from what I was thinking and laughable if it weren’t so seriously true. Do these people think past their own nose? Rhetorical question. 🤦‍♀️

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They do but think they ARE Masters of The Universe! 😳 of course they don’t need toilets like the rest of us - because sunshine comes out in the nether regions. It is narcissism on a global scale

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They don't think at all, they just follow their wallets.

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Evil has it’s own club. They fancy themselves to be magicians. They perform for each other by saying, “You did a good trick but watch this!” It’s done right in front of us for the whole world to see and tell us not to believe what our own eyes can see. Wars, 9 11’s, Vaccines, ETC. They wear our miseries like merit badges.

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These environmental fraudsters are so funny. Where is the private jet port going to be?

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Here’s the deal guys. Even though I don’t have the receipts I’m sure of it. They were planning to build this road anyway, but couldn’t get the funding. They leveraged the COP meeting to get the funding. They tacked on ‘sustainable’ label as a ‘beard’. They don’t believe the Global Warming / Climate Change stuff. They know it’s just a tool for grifting.

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The hypocrisy STINKS! One thing to push a 4 lane hiway through the rainforest. Totally another to not even mention the biodiversity of life in that forest that will become ROADKILL.. It will be unimaginable. Just look at North America with our hundreds of hiways. That one hiway through the rainforest will likely Roadkill how many animals/wildlife???? And those A****s are talking the phony Climate Change...... Such HIPOCRITES!

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The great researcher/writer Dr. Michael Chrichton pointed out several decades ago that the global warming/cooling/change movement was the greatest fraud in human history. The late, great Vaclav Havel, who grew up under Czechoslovakian communism and became president of the Check Republic after the fall of the wall, observed that "the environmentalists are the new communists." It's all a scam but directed by the CCP, who produce twice as much pollution than the EU, the U.S. Canada, and Japan combined. By doing so, they weaken all their competitors while making billions of dollars per years selling "green technologies' Cutting a road through a rain forest is nothing: they do it all time, especially in Brazil.

Danny Huckabee

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I hate these fucking people! I mean HATE! In a tree chipper - HATE! God forgive me!

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Thanks for supplying the new poster for environmental and climate hypocrisy

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They are all liars and hypocrites. They’ll say and do anything. Follow the money.

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Here's another thing left out: Belem is a port. So all those 50,000 people who are coming to the climate summit could have come by ship or boat. It was not necessary to cut a new highway through the rainforest.

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They know they are losing this war.... so they want to kill us all. Why in the hell aren't they locked away in Guantanamo?

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Thank you John - there are no words for this wholesale environmental destruction

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Al Gore will be taking a private jet to the event to cut the ribbon on the new highway! LOL

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The climate issue only applies to working class people. The elite are clearly above such a lowly issue. They have diplomatic immunity, their time is extraordinary valuable and there are so few of them that their impact is obviously irrelevant. Certainly such stakeholders don't swing the sledge hammer that drives the stake into the heart of our Mother Earth, they just hold it in a figurative sort of way. Such people are well known to be highly dignified psychopaths who are on a first name basis with Satan their dear Lord of trickery. It wouldn't surprise me if they cleared more protected rain forest to build an airport for private jets only. No, riffraff of course.

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The mask is off and the curtain is pulled back to reveal nothing but fraud, whether here or at the EPA. They are all clowns

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Agenda 21/2030 has a theme:

George Floyd, “I cannot breathe.”

Covid patients, “I cannot breathe.”

Wildfires, “I cannot breathe.”

Masks/man-made pandemic, “I cannot breathe.”

Chemical fog, “I cannot breathe.”

Cut down forest/trees, “I cannot breathe.”

CO2 removal, “I cannot breathe.”

UN Agenda 21/2030, WEF Great Reset, NWO Georgia Guidestones

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So ridiculous! Weren't there places which already had roads where these hypocrites could meet?

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