The Dept of Defense (DoD) of the United States has turned into a huge treasonous mafia organization with the camouflage of national defense.

Slashing the military budget wisely is a top priority for the survival of the United States. We need excellent leaders like Colonel (retired) Douglas MacGregor to lead the national defense.

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I’m sure we all know what would suddenly happen (coincidentally) if anyone ever tried to cut the DOD budget.

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I agree with your assessment. So this is an extraordinary situation. The new president must secretly form and use a new special forces loyal only to the Constitution to arrest many top traitors. Barring a resolute move, the probability of the survival of this country and decent American citizens is nil.

Would we accuse General George Washington of not going by the rules of the British Empire? The current situation is much worse.

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ABOUT RFK jr for president: two simple questions:

(1) how does he work with evil

Obama and his team of traitors? Obama has been calling all the shots since January of 2021.

(2) why doesn’t he leave the American Communist Party like Tulsi has done?

I support and am grateful for his efforts in uncovering the big pharma scandals. But that not necessarily prompts me to believe he is suitable to be the president.

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A president who secretly forms a new special forces would be working outside the constitution. That may be necessary to conquer the evil that’s running the show but it sounds about as reckless as all the crazy stuff going on now. I kind of suspect that no decent person would be crazy enough to get involved in the corruption and fraud nor would they want to take it on. If they did, I doubt they would last very long. We will see what happens with RFK jr’s candidacy. He’s clearly planning to fight the corruption.

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@Brandy No! You are completely wrong.

RFK, Jr can do good work for vaccines, but he associates himself with the criminal Democratic Party. If you support the Democrats after we learn what they have done in recent years, you degrade yourself to the flocks of criminal as well.

There’s nothing wrong to defend the Constitution against treasons. How do you fight against Democrats who weaponize DOJ, FBI and National Guard? They will soon wipe out the USA, and I bet you will enjoy the rule of American Communist Party (aka Democratic Party)😂😂😂

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Well, we will have to agree to disagree. President Trump suspended the constitution, spent money like it was water and initiated lock downs. He also signed Operation Warp Speed, still supports the injection and let Fauci ruin the country, while pretending to oppose him. If you think there is a difference between the Democrat party and the Republican Party, it is in rhetoric and degree of tyranny only. You can tell the powers that be want Trump back in. That is why he is being politically persecuted. They want him to look like the opposition to the democrat party but it is like a pre-planned fake wrestling match. They both lead us down the same path. They are playing good cop/bad cop.

They want to roll out CBDCs and a Trump will do it because he will be able to trick the right into going along, just like he did with the pandemic response roll out. That’s my two cents.

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@Brandy How about turning the table around so that suddenly those ring leaders start to disappear…?

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But how does a decent person justify working outside the law? That kind of action is what got us into this mess.

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@Brandy You continue your denials of reality. You must believe all forefathers of the United States of America were crooks?

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This is why only a complete collapse of the financial system will bring about change - level the playing field so to say. So, when the collapse comes do not fear it. It is inevitable. Be prepared to ride out the turbulence.

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That collapse will only hurt the masses, not the bankers. We will lose our houses and other possessions. The bankers are getting richer and more powerful with every crisis and war. That's why they finance wars and induce crisis. We totally lost on the materialistic plane. Soon they will control our basic survival. We can not even go out to hunt, gather or plant food anymore. I prepare spiritually. Ultimate freedom is always spiritual. And I don't mean any organized religion. They prevent true spiriduality which is always individual and unique.

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THey are engineering it into place because they think they will control it to benefit themselves.

But the best laid plans...... they will not control the collapse and they will be neutered by what follows the collapse.

They will take the Deep State with them.... fools with no money will just become fools.

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Eventually, yes. Until then we have to be smart and acknowledged the tremendous power they have. Living in reality always trumps living in an illusion, no matter if the illusion is morally right. Every force creates a equal counter force. A law of the universe. But it will take some time to balance it out again. Only when people feel they have nothing to lose anymore they naturally become brave and heroic. I don't see that happening yet, especially with the younger generations.

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Absolutely. The "machine" is broken beyond repair and can only be scrapped and a few parts recycled. That is underway as I type.

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from your lips..

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Paul Harvey, 1965, “If I were the devil … If I were the Prince of Darkness, I’d want to engulf the whole world in darkness. And I’d have a third of its real estate, and four-fifths of its population, but I wouldn’t be happy until I had seized the ripest apple on the tree — Thee. So I’d set about however necessary to take over the United States. I’d subvert the churches first — I’d begin with a campaign of whispers. With the wisdom of a serpent, I would whisper to you as I whispered to Eve: ‘Do as you please.

To the young, I would whisper that ‘The Bible is a myth.’ I would convince them that man created God instead of the other way around. I would confide that what’s bad is good, and what’s good is ‘square.’ And the old, I would teach to pray, after me, ‘Our Father, which art in Washington…

And then I’d get organized. I’d educate authors in how to make lurid literature exciting, so that anything else would appear dull and uninteresting. I’d threaten TV with dirtier movies and vice versa. I’d pedal narcotics to whom I could. I’d sell alcohol to ladies and gentlemen of distinction. I’d tranquilize the rest with pills.

If I were the devil I’d soon have families at war with themselves, churches at war with themselves, and nations at war with themselves; until each in its turn was consumed. And with promises of higher ratings I’d have mesmerizing media fanning the flames. If I were the devil I would encourage schools to refine young intellects, but neglect to discipline emotions — just let those run wild, until before you knew it, you’d have to have drug sniffing dogs and metal detectors at every schoolhouse door.

Within a decade I’d have prisons overflowing, I’d have judges promoting pornography — soon I could evict God from the courthouse, then from the schoolhouse, and then from the houses of Congress. And in His own churches I would substitute psychology for religion, and deify science. I would lure priests and pastors into misusing boys and girls, and church money. If I were the devil I’d make the symbols of Easter an egg and the symbol of Christmas a bottle.

If I were the devil I’d take from those who have, and give to those who want until I had killed the incentive of the ambitious.

And what do you bet I could get whole states to promote gambling as the way to get rich? I would caution against extremes and hard work in Patriotism, in moral conduct. I would convince the young that marriage is old-fashioned, that swinging is more fun, that what you see on the TV is the way to be. And thus, I could undress you in public, and I could lure you into bed with diseases for which there is no cure. In other words, if I were the devil I’d just keep right on doing what he’s doing.”

Paul Harvey, good day.

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And so it shall be. Seems my Twitter feed is full of youth beating on each other with crowds looking on making sure to capture the moment on their phone cameras. Apparently no concerns over the violence. Harvey didn't know about cameras. So as we lost any sense of morality so we lost all empathy as well.


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Keep your chin up. It will get rough, but we’ll be okay. Most of us are decent, caring, and giving people. Those monsters were created by the far Left. They didn’t have a chance. They kept them down to suit their own needs. If only they knew. Good wins! Evil loses! People are looking at parents saying what are you doing? Why aren’t you standing up for your children? Right now, they’re being cautious and trying to protect their families, keep them fed, healthy, and happy in an upside down world, but I guarantee that those parents, everyone of them, will do whatever it takes to keep them safe when the rubber hits the road. Those people who don’t have kids will fight for those kids too. Americans are amazing! We will prevail. Also, I wanted to tell you that I saw a video of Paul Harvey’s “If I were the Devil” made for today’s circumstances, and it was great. It was on TheGatewayPundit.com site today. Stay strong! Never give up! Never surrender!

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My concern is that it goes much higher than the US government. As you pointed out, kings and dukes depended on the bankers. So do governments. Have you considered that woke politics come from these bankers/WEF? To what means? It looks like it's purpose is to confuse, divide and destabilize societies in wealthy nation states all over the globe. Powerful Nation states like the US are the enemies of a world government. To me, it is crystal clear where we are heading. To me, it also looks more and more like a lost cause. Seems the area of freedom and democracy had its chance and lost. Our collective greed and materialism trumped freedom.

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I love your final sentence. And perhaps that occurred because we oversold freedom and undersold community.

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This all started before our time. It may look new to some but it is not. They are just awakening. The truth is out there and known to those who keep seeking it and who have the courage to face it when it arrives. Willful ignorance is the enemy.

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Yes, willful ignorance is, indeed, the enemy. But in all humility, each of us have to recognize how much we do not - and cannot - know; there is too much past to know it all.

We are all ignorant of how we got here and even being here we don't know what is happening - right now - in the heart of the person across the table from us, the trouble in the home next door, the council of the city next door, the legislature of our State government.

We need mercy. We have all been compliant to some degree in our demise. I confess I have done somethings that I know have contributed to the mess we find ourselves in today.

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I hear you, and respectfully share, not in full agreement. It’s a conversation.

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this is the very reason why many of us of a libertarian bent have been urging to defund most of the government and return it to its basic responsibilities to uphold the law and defend the nation's borders. Getting rid of the dept of education, the dept of transportation, energy, etc. would be good first steps. Eliminating the Federal Reserve would restore the United States to a productive economy.

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The United States Constitution granted very limited enumerated powers to the federal government. Most of the federal alphabet agencies are unconstitutional, thus illegal. Eliminate these agencies, return the power to the the respective states and the people. Because an agency has existed for decades does not now or ever make it legitimate. We have everything we need here in abundance in this great land. We could pay off the national debt within very short time.

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The right move but it’s too slow to save us from annihilation. It’s time to eliminate the leading traitors. Judges and the justice system are so corrupted that you can expect nothing.

Many people are so obsessed with the terrible legislations passed in recent years, but in a terrible times of today, that’s not the main problem. The immigration law and sovereignty of the United States can be blatantly violated by the Biden Administration since day 1, as long as they have got the more powerful fists to beat us up.

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People Like Me Can’t Help Ourselves.

We Like Nice Things.

We Like Your Things.

We Like You As Our Things.


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"How A Nation Is Controlled and Distorted by Greed". This is a new concept....only as old as Creation and the Devil himself!

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John and all,

Speaking of LOVE OF MONEY and…making MOUNTAINS of money, killing humanity and wrecking the health and economic situation of today’s generations and maybe future ones..

Let these statistics sink in to those with active critical thinking brain cells…

According to the CDC, as of March 22, 2023, roughly 401.7 million Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine doses had been administered in the United States. 251.8 million Moderna and 18.9 million J&J. (Taxpayer money paid for this, now in the pockets of slick DOD and pharmaceutical devils!)

FACT: Not a single doctor or patient knows what is actually in these injections. The inserts are all still blank…except for maybe a link to the company so they can give you their ‘truth’ about what is in their vials!


The People get to decide when this genocide ends! The sooner the better because after 3 very long destructive years I see NO wins anywhere!



Mother/Grandmother of 7 and counting

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Your cluelessness is astounding. Those “intellectuals” you reference are already owned by that same money. They are nothing but controlled opposition.

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That's correct Rothschild is German. The Crown is German. The Pope is German. Pfizer, Moderna & BioNtech is German. The Fascist EU President is German. And Hitler is Austrian-German. So, is Trump, Scottish-German and Melania Austrian-German. Hitler loving Arnold Schwarzenegger is another Fascist, Hitler lover. @ 4threich.com

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Leave me off that list. I am just a bird.

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Adam and Eve were Germans too, they choose to get expelled from paradise to build their own paradise Reich

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Bingo. Go to the head of the line.

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THEIR CARTEL OF COLLUSION WILL NOT STAND FOREVER! But, unfortunately, neither will the efforts of man to overthrow it succeed. Because they have not only trafficked in gold, silver, munitions, and slaves, but also in the "souls of men" (verses 11-15), God will have to step in to break up its power. (See Revelation 18.) And when God arises to sweep it all away, the rulers of the earth, the merchants of the earth, and those who have trampled on the moral conscience of humanity in their lust for power will all "bewail, lament, mourn, and weep" for its demise (verses 9, 11, 15) because they've all had their hand in the bag. This coming judgement is the great stone from heaven that completely destroys the collusion of kings and money men, as well as any system that uses the name of God to support it. (See Daniel 2:31-45). And if we don't want to be judged along with it, we must separate ourselves as far as possible from cooperating with this collusion.

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"Behold the fear of the Lord is wisdom: and to depart from evil, is understanding." - Job 28:28

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Indeed. Could not agree more.

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Any Government can be controlled if you control it's money supply.

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It's means "it is."

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the Grammar Police are in da house! dUcK and cOveR!

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The Public Service Union in Canada is on strike right now. They collect the taxes. They could aim high and demand that the entire liberal fascist cabinet step down. Instead they are asking for more pay and vacation time 🤦🏻‍♀️

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All the way to their slaughterhouse.

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Yes, they are happily participating in building the gulag... little do they know they are building it for themselves and their families.

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"I care not what puppet is placed upon the Throne of England to rule The Empire on which the sun never sets. The man that controls Britain's money supply controls The British Empire, and I control the British money supply." - Baron Nathan Mayer Rothschild

At this point in earth history, EVERY central bank around the planet is a carbon copy of the Bank of England / Federal Reserve. It is the "monolithic and ruthless conspiracy" that President Kennedy spoke of...

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Money makes the world go round, all those wealthy bankers and global elite as a definition should have the healthiest microbiome not?

Reading Dale Bredesen’s Alzheimer and Cognitive Decline related to fast food, even in a Michelin 3 stars restaurant...hurry hurry the stress to prepare high class food makes you eating pure stress, I bet my life for it that those kind of useful eaters are a highway to become cognitive disordered, all their measures and countermeasures showing their incapacity.

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Not to remove anything from Mr. Leake's message...Is anybody, as the knowledgeable Mr. Leake', ever planning to inform 'The People' of exactly what group or person is behind the OWNERSHIP OF THE OWNED TREASONOUS ORDERED in the U.S, via bribe and/or threat, to carry-out dirty, dastardly deeds? ALL SUSPECT THIS EVIL FAR OLDER AND MORE ENCOMPASSING THAN THE U.S.


Is anybody ever going to inform the public about the nasty little group out of Europe at the top of the Food Chain pulling the strings out of HATRED OF THE U.S. since the humiliating loss in the American Revolution? Does anybody know the name of the leader of this group, the Italian 'House of Guelph' ...Or, the fact of it being known now as 'The House of Windsor'? We all scurry around seeking to determine the ENEMY...AND, THEN STUTTER IN DISBELIEF WHEN IT'S KNOWN AND RIGHT IN FRONT OF OUR NOSE ALL ALONG.


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Dr. John Coleman told people back in the 1990s in a book entitled "The Committee of 300". You can find an hour and half long lecture he gave in 1994 on Rumble under the same title. If you are sincere in wanting to know. Of course, it is all his theory, but that is as close as you will get to satisfaction. He also wrote a book on Tavistock, if you are unfamiliar with Tavistock as most people are you should look it up. Not good, not good at all.


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Odd you did that...Just went back to get the code for another Comment...And, here it is from you. THANK-YOU!!!

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The only hope is Mr. Putin and Russia’s hypersonic missiles.

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