Our next door neighbor's sister "tested positive" for covid, Her primary care doctor did not initiate early treatment. She was admitted to the hospital with minimal symptoms. She was very health conscious, a routine runner, and lover of life. She received the remdesivir treatment and was a "survivor," As a result of her "treatment" she is on dialysis ongoing and cares not if she lives or dies. The corporate medical complex and it's co-conspirator practitioners have ruined her life. Criminals in the truest sense. "The love of money is the root of all kinds of evils." "It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God."

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💔 as someone who is 57 and still jogging every week, if and when I can't run anymore I might feel done on this planet.

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Having some money to buy stuff like food ,does not mean love of money .We simply need some to buy our food and other items or we would have to shop lift ,which is a crime .

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Dec 15, 2023Edited
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We needn't be ashamed. For those who have chosen God and His Word as their refuge we know His justice and judgement will be served.

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“We woke up one day to find that we were living in an actual Hell in which all things are permissible in the pursuit of money and power.”

This is a perfect description of how I feel and am tormented about everyday since April 2020.

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I echo your feelings whole heartedly. I was going to comment that you are a very good writer, then I noticed that you are a professional writer, so it is little wonder that you are so good. I admire great writers! You are becoming an increasingly rare breed.

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What she testified to must have been the result of thousands of conspirators, after meticulous planning, financed by our taxes.

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And as such runs as deep, as the Mariana Trench off the coast of japan @ 11,000 ft deep!

The near bottomless abyss of a .Gov failure not to serve mankind. But Destroy it.

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I assume you mean @11,000 meters.

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Yup I goofed .On 1 June 2009, mapping aboard the RV Kilo Moana (mothership of the Nereus vehicle), indicated a spot with a depth of 10,971 m (35,994 ft; 5,999 fathoms).

I missed it by 25,000ft. Oops, Thanks the correction

That makes the .Gov failure all the deeper.

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The not so invisible Hero's, of the greatest injustices ever deployed, in the history of the World.

So Gail McCrae has now become one, and should forever be remembered for the strongest effort.

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Before Nurse McCrae at the height of the Pandemic nurse Erin bravely recorded what she saw at Elmhurst hospital for Perspectives on the Pandemic. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UIDsKdeFOmQ

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The monstrous medical terrorists in the world are untouchable. I do not see much in the way of prison terms or hanging for these murdering bums. We are still learning about the depths of the possible destruction of humanity by mRNA substances as well as the medical mafia. The courts will all be bought off and nothing is gonna change. CoV-3 or some other similar fake virus is being made ready.

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Excellent testimony from Nurse Gail McCrae.

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VIGANO calls Pope Francis a FALSE Prophet APOSTATE Pope


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Thank you for speaking up Nurse Gail McCrae.

Think of how many complicit-cowards saw this, and more, and REMAIN SILENT.

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state sponsored murder for profit on a mass scale

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Just like there were "0" body bags stacking up of the dead at the homeless encampments all around a winter frozen city landscapes of Mpls/St. paul. No TV is a Bonafide reason of probability, EH?

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The bull shitting by media and so called authorities, reached spiritual levels and is still going on to this day.

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Speaking of unaccounted homeless...

I saw this article today about LA's "unclaimed dead" from the first year of plandemic. (They wait 3 years for body to be claimed... allegedly.)


"In 2020 sadly 1,937 residents passed away without a next of kin coming forward to claim their remains. And it is those lives that we honor... today," said LA County Supervisor Hilda Solis.

... The ceremony for those who died in 2019 -- before the outbreak of the pandemic -- interred the remains of just over 1,600 people.

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That is quite the data-dead factoid. Add it in addition to all the other dysfunctions of humanity when paid for politics policy rules the land. Homelessness has been around for all eternity. Now the images are used as tools to warp minds and feed city pocket budgets.

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Didn't kill all the homeless in Commiefornia either.

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While not in the same front line position, I too witnessed several teaching staff in Australia line up to get the shot only to be struck down by mysterious illness, myocarditis, stroke, repeated COVID infections. I was working in a regional support role at that time assisting injured workers return to work. It was traumatic to say the least when I knew the shots were the cause. I was trying to do everything I could to assist, but it was futile. Many of the staff were coerced into taking the shot to save their jobs and then when they were injured, they felt completely abandoned as they were not acknowledged. I could not stay in an organisation that treated people like that.

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Early on in the lockdown MDs from out local Bay Area hospital wrote to the public health director that their hospital was not overwhelmed with Covid patients either and questioned the lockdown. They stated in their letter that PCR testing was magnifying the problem resulting in false positives that didn’t correlate to their hospital being over capacity for Covid. A group of parents, concerned about school closures were copied, and this is when we started to see that something was wrong with the narrative. Excellent that nurse Gail is bringing the corruption to light!

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And the fact that the "Pulmonary Inflammation" was really from the activation of all the 5G towers here in NorCal. My whole family had the same symptoms then but I had an Advair inhaler for my asthma, which contains a steroid, and recovered quicker than the rest of my family. No one will ever convince me that it was a "virus".

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Nurse McCrae is the type of brilliant medical practitioner unwanted by the self-styled masters of the universe; a degenerate universe compatible with their degenerate goals and abilities.

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Hope you’re feeling better Mr Leake …. Please no more nasal swabs . 🙏🤗

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Hey Brandon is not ... would you suggest just starting ivermectin if one feels ill? The reason I swabbed is because even as safe and effective as IVM is, I don’t want to take it (or any drug) “just in case.” Thoughts? Thanks 😊

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No swab for me , only would take Ivermectin if I thought I needed it

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Thought I might find it among the comments . . . . thanks

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